Embodied Bliss, the beginning

A somatic healing audio practice for trauma survivors

Welcome, dear one!

I’m so glad to have you here.

If you are someone dealing with unintegrated trauma, you're in the right place!

I created this somatic embodiment audio practice specially for you.

You see, as a survivor of sexual (#metoo) and pervasive racial trauma, I know in my body how trauma works.

The fragmentation that happens when we are trapped in the chains of trauma, is experienced in the ways that we sometimes dissociate from the body, because feeling ourselves can feel too intense or overwhelming to bear.

Unhealed trauma also feels like being stuck in fight, flight, freeze of fawn. It shows up in the ways we sabotage ourselves, because we are too scared to pursue our goals and desires. We feel powerless and defeated.

If you have unintegrated trauma, you might be terrified of your sexuality, and have a very hard time enjoying your eroticism with ease and safety. Intimacy and deep connection with others feels scary, and you might even suppress your emotions, because most times they are way too intense to feel.

In different ways, unhealed trauma disconnects you from your aliveness and vitality. It makes you feel stuck, defeated, unable to live, love and show up in our relationships in the way that your soul truly desires too.

I myself have experienced so many of the consequences of trauma as listed above, and for years I thought there wasn’t much more I could do to change that. I thought it was something I had to learn to live with, as I ended up believing that was my personality, that was who I was.

Luckily, I was wrong, so wrong!

Now, whether you were molested, sexually assaulted, neglected and abandoned by your main caregivers as a child, grew up in a violent and unsafe household, or have to deal with ongoing pervasive trauma like racism, transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, etc., I truly desire that you know you can still have a fulfilling and exciting life.

Healing is possible, and the key is your body!

This audio practice is the beginning of the journey, and I share it with you, so you can have a moment to experience the beauty of reconnecting with body and learning to listen to its wisdom, while feeling grounded and regulating your nervous system in a very natural and loving way.

how you can start your somatic trauma healing journey

Your body-mind are your allies, let them show you the way

I find it very important to say that trauma is stored in our bodies and nervous system, and as such, a healing process needs to address the body.

And once you understand that trauma is stored in the body, and as such can be healed with a bottom-up approach, you can feel hope and excitement again.


For people who have unintegrated trauma, the first step is to create safety for you to feel your body again. 

Through somatic embodiment, you can show your brain that right here, right now, you’re are safe enough and it’s ok to reconnect with your body again.

Once you are able to feel your body again, with a sense of curiosity and present-moment awareness, you’ll be ready to notice your sensations and felt sense, and then hear the messages the body has to share.

These messages are then held with love and compassion, our healing superpowers.

You’ll also learn to listen to your body-mind’s messages, and from that awareness you’ll be able to hold your wounded pieces with unconditional love, and offer what they most need to receive.

Listening to your body in this gentle, loving and accepting way, allows you to receive the messages that your inner self is sharing with you. This process offers you the space to honor the wisdom that you have inside you, becoming aware of the subtle level of knowing that speaks to you through your body.

Being present with your sensations and felt sense, will also offer you an opportunity to discharge energy from your nervous system, gently letting go of the layers of trauma stored in your body. This is subtle, yet profoundly healing!

The benefits of befriending and listening to your body are great insights, physiological release and nervous system regulation, a sense of aliveness and positivity. Life starts showing its colors again, and you get to have a better understanding of yourself, slowly creating the inner safety that you need in order to move towards a life that is more aligned with your soul’s desires.

Ready to experience it yourself?

Hi, I’m Marina, somatic trauma Healer & embodiment coach.

I have an Education BA, Business MBA, Ontological Coaching Certification, VITA™ Sex, Love and Relationships 1-year Certification and am taking the 3-year Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Healing Training.

Working with hundreds of clients worldwide, both in my coaching practice and also as a Senior Teacher at Layla Martin’s VITA™ Coaching Certification, I have witnessed the power of somatic embodiment as a healing and empowering path.

I see myself as a body enthusiast, passionate about the wisdom and healing power of our bodies and all the ways we are able to integrate mind-body-spirituality in a conscious and loving way so we can thrive.

In my 1:1 coaching, I help people trapped in past trauma heal, regain their sense of power, agency and erotic aliveness so they can thrive in all areas of life.

As a mentor and teacher to Sex, Love and Relationship Coaches, I offer ongoing support with Case Consultations (supervision), continued education and sustainable business development.

I grew up in Brazil and now live in the SF Bay Area, CA, with my beloved husband David and our rescue dog Jessie.

Find out more at marinanabao.com