How Embodiment and Nervous System Regulation help you Achieve your Goals

The Hivery is my favorite coworking space in the Bay Area and they are really committed to help women design and materialize their businesses and art. This past April I was invited to give a talk as part of The Hivery Online Summit, which I now share with you too:

I understand that we all dream and desire to achieve our goals in this life, especially as creatives, way showers, caregivers, inspired & inspiring leaders and agents for transformation.

The mind has this amazing ability to take us far and reach the sky of what is possible to be created and achieved in one’s life.
However, so many of us meet with a huge gap in between our goals and actually making them come true.

In our western contemporary culture, we are so used to creating and dreaming through the mind, that we often forget that we are embodied beings, that we actually need our bodies to take action towards our goals, and that we could benefit so much more by bringing the body onboard.

That is because our bodies, and nervous systems, carry so much of our life history, our ancestry, our victories and our wounds.

The body keeps the score of so much of our cultural conditioning and personal challenges, habitual ways of behaving, and I wonder, why don’t we integrate body-mind in all that we are doing? Why don’t we access the inner truth that is right here whenever we come across so many of our challenges and struggles that keep us from achieving our goals and fully thriving?

Well, there are innumerous historical reasons that have led us to really separate the natural body-mind integration.
Things like the Enlightenment and Age of Reason in the 18th century and the over-importance given to rational thinking, the intentional suppression of bodily impulses – so reinforced by customs and religion -, our chaotic lifestyles, acute stress, overwhelm and trauma – that forces ours bodies to shut down or go numb.

Now, my invitation is for a reclamation of the body as an equally important aspect of our beings.
Mind, body and spirituality as the foundational support of the ways we explore our inner selves, we relate to our communities and we create in our businesses.

In this sense, it is important to remember that embodiment can be understood as the process of returning to the body, of recognizing it, of relating to it intentionally, of providing an opportunity to identify and express what is happening in the body.

The goal of embodiment is to reestablish intimacy with the wholeness of who we are, connecting the different dimensions of our Being for a more complete and strengthened experience in life.

Being in tune with the wide variety of emotions, sensations, desires and impulses – what is pleasant as well as what is challenging – allows us to go through the human experience more fully.

Now, when it comes to your dreams, desires and goals – whether professional or not – the body not only provides important cues to the truth of your soul, but also allows you to build the strength to achieve those.

Our resilience lies in a well-regulated nervous system.

The first step then, is to tune into the language of your body, which are your sensations.
The bodily sensations are key to understanding what is going on in the present moment, where your nervous systems is at in terms of regulation and the things you might need to tend to, so that your whole being can move towards achieving your goals.

Watch the video below where I guide you into 2 practices that will help you tune into your body, investigate your mind-body integration related to your goals and do some gentle nervous system regulation to support your process.

You can download the slides pdf here:

And if your body enjoyed these practices and you think this type of Coaching and Healing is exactly what you’ve been looking for, come talk to me so we can see if we are a good fit. I’d love to connect!⠀

More info on my 1:1 offer here.

💋 Marina


  1. Pingback: Why we should integrate the body-mind | Marina Nabão

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